Privacy Policy
Terms & Conditions

How We Use Your Data

Space City Sanitizers values your privacy and your business. We never sell or share your personal information with third parties. In addition, the information you provide is used internally to enhance our performance in the markets we serve. For details on how your data is handled, please review our third-party customer portal policy.  We use analytics across our website to understand the audience and improve user experience. Links you follow may include non-personal tracking to help us evaluate our campaigns.

Third Party Privacy Policies and Terms & Conditions

When you use the Live Chat feature, any information you submit is governed by their privacy clauses. Payments submitted are subject to the privacy policies of either Stripe, and/or Apple, depending on the method of payment chosen. Your browser can reveal identifiable information about you, which is made available through Google Analytics. Google is subject to their own privacy policy and terms & conditions.

Live chat logoStripe logoApple pay logo

Cookies & Local Data

We set cookies in your browser to enable specific features on the site and ensure proper functionality. Certain elements on the site may use third-party cookies. For analytics, we use Google, which may place a cookie to track your activity. To view googles cookies and local data privacy policy, click here.

To enhance the convenience of form submissions, session storage (local to your device, browser, domain, and session) stores certain data directly in your browser. However, this functionality never includes financial or sensitive information. Furthermore, your personal data is never cached or stored on the web server, ensuring your information remains secure.

Anonymized Data

Our web services use depersonalized session and connection information to identify areas for improvement, detect abusive or threatening activity, and monitor visitors of interest. We strictly use this information internally to maintain service quality and protection. Any information unrelated to quality, protection, or legal requirements is promptly discarded

SMS Privacy Policy
Opt In/Out Information

Space City Sanitizers values your privacy and will only use your phone number to inform you about upcoming appointments or matters directly related to our work. If you voluntarily text us at our business number, you consent to receive replies from a live agent only. You will not be enrolled in any campaigns. During normal business operations, certain team leaders may contact you to coordinate on relevant matters, and we will send automated scheduling messages about your appointments. Customers are automatically opted in to receive these scheduling messages, but you can opt out at any time by replying STOP. View our third-party SMS privacy policy here.